Rock/R&B / Movie / Ray(DVD)





Rock Score

Title : Ray / Wikipedia(Ja) , Wikipedia(En) cover
Record Label : NBC Universal
Number : GNBF-3090
Date : 05 Dec 2012.
Price : 1572yen
Length :152min
Artist : Various Artists
CD Description : Born into a poor family in Georgia, Ray lost his sight as a boy to glaucoma, but with his mother's advice to �enot take charity and live on your own two feet�f, he made his debut in a Seattle club at the age of 17. Called a blind genius, he was signed to a record label. He became a superstar with his soul music, a mix of gospel and R&B... A music-filled biopic of the life of the late Ray Charles, directed by Taylor Hackford (Departures of Love and Youth). Ray, personally handpicked by Jamie Foxx (Collateral), becomes so much Ray Charles that he seems to have erased himself, giving an explosive performance in which his spirit takes over. The drama is also interesting in that it portrays not only the soul god Ray, but also his philandering side, his drug addiction and his tough businessman persona, giving a deep portrait of Ray Charles himself. The highlight, however, is the live performances. The songs are performed in chronological order, and are linked to Ray's feelings at the time. I was surprised to discover new things about the background of these songs. After watching the film, you will definitely want to listen to the soundtrack carefully and immerse yourself in Ray's voice. (Kaoru Saito)
