Music Books / Musicians' Books / Carol(Eikichi Yazawa)

Title : Are You Happy? cover
�o�� : ���oBP��
ISBN : 978-4822242152
���� : 2001/2/15
�艿 : 600�~
Page : 285p
Book Description: The legendary "Nariagari" was an epic trailer. Yazawa's Song, Yazawa's Business, Yazawa's Trouble, Yazawa's America, Yazawa's Love, Yazawa's Growing Old, Yazawa's Family, and Yazawa's Happy. A theory of happiness that I grasped with my bare hands, a gift to all generations. Enjoy your life. Everyone is a hero. The legendary "The Coming of Age" was a magnificent trailer. The "happiness" of Eikichi Yazawa, who turned 51 in the last year of the 20th century, was won through decades of "struggle. Yazawa's songs, Yazawa's business, Yazawa's America, Yazawa's love, Yazawa's happiness. A new era of happiness for all generations! Additional manuscripts written after the ruling on the Australia case are included in this book! (Publisher/Author's description)
chapter1 �F�I�[�X�g�����A����
chapter2 �F���؂�
chapter3 �F�}���A�Ƃ̏o��E�����ƍč�
chapter4 �F���R�[�h��Јڐ�
chapter5 �F���a�ɂ‚���
chapter6 �F�R���T�[�g���d�؂�E���쏵�ك��C�Z���X���s
chapter7 �F�h���}��CM
chapter8 �F�r�W�l�X
chapter9 �F�I�[�X�g�����A�����������Ă��ꂽ����
chapter10 �F�A�����J
chapter11 �F�Ƒ�
chapter12 �F�t�@��
chapter13 �F���y
chapter14 �F�}�X�R�~
chapter15 �F�J�l�ƍK��
chapter16 �F�E�F���u���[
chapter17 �F�I���W�̃c�b�p��
Title : �L������ �\�͐t
�o�� : KK�x�X�g�Z���[�Y
ISBN : 0200-011264-7617
���� : 1975�N7��10��(37��)
�艿 : 600�~
Page : 271p
chapter1 �F���i�g
chapter2 �F�W���j�[��q
chapter3 �F���C����
chapter4 �F���胆�E
chapter5 �F��O�̖\���x
chapter6 �F1972-1975
chapter7 �F�l�l�̌�
chapter8 �F���ƃL������
Title : �L�������閾���O ��2�� cover
�o�� : �Žu��
ISBN : 978-4903853765
���� : 2010/1/22
�艿 : 1365�~
Page : 236p
Book Description: �W���j�[��q 1952�N�_�ސ쌧���܂�B�v�W�����Ƀ��[�[���g�A���b�N�����[���ňꐢ���r�����u�L�������v(72~75�N)�̒��S�����o�[�B�{�[�J��&�M�^�[�A��ɍ쎌��S�������B�w�t�@���L�[�E�����L�[�E�x�C�r�[�x���̖��Ȃœ��{��ɂ�郍�b�N�����[�����m���B�L���������U��A�~���[�W�V�����Ƃ��ă\������������ƂƂ��ɁA�o�D�Ƃ��Ă���}�ȍ˔\�𔭊��B82�N�A�w�����x�œ��{�A�J�f�~�[�܎剉�j�D�܎�܁B�w���̃����[�N���X�}�X�x(83�N)�A�w�`�E���E�s�E���x(84�N)�Ȃǐ��X�̃q�b�g��ɏo��(�{�f�[�^�͂��̏��Ђ����s���ꂽ�����Ɍf�ڂ���Ă������̂ł�) ���e/���җ��� (�uBOOK���ҏЉ���v���)
chapter1 �F���� �O�b�o�C�E�L������
chapter2 �F��1�� �t�@���L�[�E�����L�[�E�x�C�r�[
--- �F�i�����Ƃ̗���
--- �F�t�@���L�[�Ń����L�[�ȃx�C�r�[����
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--- �F�h���b�O�̐��玸�H
--- �F�f�r�̉ʂĂ�
--- �F��̎�
chapter3 �F��2�� ���̓r��
--- �F��Ɠ�l�ʼni�����ɓy��������
--- �F�L�������Y��
--- �F�L�������Y���̌���
--- �F�m�g�j�Ƃ̑Ό�
--- �F�m�g�j�����f�B���N�^�[�ւ̎莆
--- �F�����h���A�����ăp����
--- �F�i�����Ɖ̂����w�Ⴊ�~��x
--- �F���E�i�o�Ȃ炸
--- �F���オ�ڂ����҂��Ă���
--- �F�o�D�ւ̓��𓥂ݏo��
chapter4 �F��R�� �V���ȗ���
--- �F���s�P�\�̓��X
--- �F�L�������E�t�@�[�X�g
--- �F���{���̖�O���b�N�E�t�F�X�e�B�o��
--- �F�P�����܂�͂��߂�
--- �F�i�����ւ̃��b�Z�[�W
--- �F�ς�蓾�ʈ�
--- �F���U�̘b������
--- �F�k�o�w�O�b�o�C�E�L�������x
--- �F�ӂ����ꂽ�i�����
--- �F�����āA����Ȃ�
chapter5 �F��S�� �L������ ���ꂩ��
--- �F�㗝�푈�̖��J��
--- �F�ٖM�l�̉�
--- �F�L�������̃W���j�[����E���o������
--- �F�G�����B�X�E�}�C���h
--- �F�]������̍Đ�
--- �F�K���Ƃ̓���
--- �F�W���j�[������!?
chapter6 �F�I�� �莆
chapter7 �F�L������ �N��
Title : �L������ �閾���O cover
�o�� : ��w�Ɛ�����
ISBN : 4391128799
���� : 2003/11/25(2��)
�艿 : 1470�~
Page : 253p
Book Description: �ڂ��Ɖi�����́A���܂�ɂ��ΏƓI�Ȑl�Ԃ������B�L�������Ƃ��������X�^�[�E�o���h�͂���Ӗ��ŁA�ڂ��Ɖi�����̌l�I�Ȋ��������ݏo�����A����ȎY���ł������̂�������Ȃ��c�B���ܖ��������L�������̐^��! ���e�i�uMARC�v�f�[�^�x�[�X���j
chapter1 �F�i�����Ƃ̏o�
chapter2 �F���l/���
chapter3 �F���[�[���g�閾���O
chapter4 �F�w�L�������x�閾���O
chapter5 �F�i�����́w�L�������x�A�ڂ������́w�L�������x
chapter6 �F�邪�����āA�ڂ������͕ʁX�̓��Ɍ�������
chapter7 �F�R���s�����Ƃ��A�w�L�������x�͍ō��ɂȂ���
Title : ���̍��AVAN�ƃL�������ƃn�C�Z�C�R�[�Ɓcsince1965 cover
�o�� : �A�X�L�[�R�~���j�P�[�V�����Y
ISBN : 4-7762-0005-8
���� : 2003/1/14
�艿 : 1600�~
Page : 251p
�n�C�Z�C�R�[�AVAN�̃X�j�[�J�[�c�B1�����}�j�A�̌���A��������q�b�g�𐶂ޖ@����60�N��ɂ������B�_�C�i�[�X�N���u�̌�����񎏁wSIGNATURE�x�ɘA�ڂ̃R�����u���s�̂ǂ��v�̒�����34�b��I�����A���M�B ���e�i�uMARC�v�f�[�^�x�[�X���j
chapter1 �FVAN�̃X�j�[�J�[
chapter2 �F������u���u�����O�v�o���i�}�b�V�����[���J�b�g�̖��j
chapter3 �FGS�f��
chapter4 �F���}�p���`�̑n����
Publication : KOUDANSYA
ISBN : 0095-363001-3068
Date : July 20, 1981
Price : 780yen
chapter1 : Hiroshima
chapter2 : Yokohama
chapter3 : Carol
chapter4 �FE�EYAZAWA
Title : �o���h�X�R�A �L������/CAROL 20 GOLDEN HITS cover
�o�� : �P�C�E�G���E�s�[
ISBN : 978-4773237566
���� : 2013/11/18
�艿 : 2160�~
Page : B5�� 152p
(1) �F�Ă̏I��
(2) �F�Ԋi���b�N�̃e�[�}
(3) �F�����Ă邠�̖�
(4) �F�w�C�E�^�N�V�[
(5) �F��肫��Ȃ��C����
(6) �F�~�X�^�[�E�M�u�\��
(7) �F�������̖�
(8) �F���̋~�}��
(9) �F�R�[�q�[�E�V���b�v�̏��̖�
(10) �F�t�@���L�[�E�����L�[�E�x�C�r�[
(11) �F�܂̃e�f�B�E�{�[�C
(12) �F�ޏ��͔ނ̂���
(13) �F�n�j�[�E�G���W�F��
(14) �F���Ƃ��̃_�[����
(15) �F�Ō�̗��l
(16) �F���f�B�[�E�Z�u���e�B�[��
(17) �F��l����
(18) �F���̋���
(19) �F0��5���̍ŏI���
(20) �F���C�W�A���i
(21) �F���X�g�E�`�����X
Title : �L�������y�����ʐ^�W
�o�� : �������y���@
ISBN : TSO-K-0168
���� : 1973�N4��20����
�艿 : 800�~
�Ő� : 7110P B5
Title: Music Library Eikichi Yazawa cover
Publication : Tokyo-FM Publication
ISBN �F4-88745-003-6
Date : August 8, 1997
Price : 1600yen
Page �F238p
Book Description: Eikichi Yazawa, the pioneer of Japanese rock music, has created numerous milestones and continues to run energetically today. This disc guide compiles all of Yazawa's works, including those from the Carroll era, in one volume. Contents (from "MARK" database)
chapter1 �FThe Story of Eikichi Yazawa Part 1
chapter2 �FAlbum Guide
chapter3 �FSingle Guide
chapter4 �FThe Story of Eikichi Yazawa Part 2
chapter5 �FCarol Record Guide<
