Terry / Terry Terauchi and his BuleJeans / Let's Go Cumparsita!






SKY PerfecTv


Apollo's cassette sound source
Title : Let's Go Cumparsita!
Record Label : APOLON
Number : PE-1113
Date :
Price :
Length :
Artist : Terry and his Blue Jeans
Track :
(1)La Cumparsita �@��Chord sheet
(2)Blauer Himmel
(3)Les Pecheurs De Perles
(5)El Choclo
(7)Night Tango
(8)Tango Borelo
(9)Lamento Gitano
(10)Ole Guapa
(11)Night Stranger
(12)Adios pampa mia
(13)Hor' Mein Lied�CVioletta
(14)Il pleut sur la route �@��Chord sheet
(15)Guitar Tango
(16)El Amanecer
(17)Mama, Yo Quiero un Novio
(18)Tango delle rose
(19)In einer kleinen Konditorei
(20)Orchids in the moonlight
